COVID was intended to reduce global population, not save lives.

Following is text of an email I sent to friends and several organizations in February. Yet, none I contacted advanced this argument. Some were even hostile to the idea. Unfortunately, your system here does not replicate links and images from my email...

As a good friend (an MD and columnist) reminded me recently ... for at least several centuries there have been elites who were convinced there were more of us ordinary people than the globe could support. "It is a conspiracy theory," he said, "which goes back to Thomas Malthus of the (1830's) and is erroneous."

The world's elite are at it again. Only, this time, they may have found the means to reduce populations on a massive scale.

The short version:

No one wants to acknowledge Covid and the Covid "vaccines" were likely designed to reduce the global population. The book, The Limits to Growth in 1972, and the Kissinger Commission's Top Secret 1974 report (since declassified and now available on Amazon) warned that the globe cannot sustain more than 8 billion humans. At last report, we were over 8.8 billion.

Organizations' like the World Economic Forum (WEF), World Health Organization (WHO) and several government agencies -- here and abroad -- took those warnings from the '70s to heart. The Wuhan "lab leak" was possibly no accident. It may have been intentional. That might explain why Saint Fauci and company insisted that only the untried new (MRNA) drugs be used. They ruled out the possibility of using safe off-label drugs like Ivermectin (they branded this drug that had been in use for humans more than half a century as "horse deworming pills").

Ask yourself, why was Paxlovid -- possibly the least effective medication against Covid -- the ONLY off-label drug Fauci would allow medical doctors to employ? It led to untold deaths among hospital patients.

Intentionally so, perhaps?

If Covid was, in fact, intentional, then from those groups' point of view the Covid attacks were insufficient.

One WEF member is calling for a global population of only 1.5 billion -- because AI is going to make most humans "useless," he says.

China recently said their researchers have experimented with a virus more lethal than Covid; the newly cloned version killed all the small group of lab rats exposed to it within EIGHT DAYS. This information is all available on the Internet if people would just search for it.

There is, however, another side to this story. Has the global population already peaked and is it beginning to decline? Might the globalists be persuaded to call off their intended annihilation? This is where you come in.


The Details:

The World Economic Forum (WEF), World Health Organization (WHO), Bill Gates and others who are promoting the "Great Reset" have something else in mind for folks who are not them.

From Slay News: "WEF Member Calls for 86% Reduction in World’s Population"!!

And there is this undercover video report from this year's session of WEF at Davos, Switzerland

"Why," you ask, "would anyone propose such a thing?" Their answer: "Because AI (Automated Intelligence) will make that many of us 'useless.'" Jobs will disappear on a massive scale, leaving most people without means of making a living. World Economic Forum (WEF) advisor Yuval Noah Harari -- an Israeli college history professor (who says all religions in the world are "fictions" that divide us and lead to wars) -- speaks extensively about the coming "useless class." Here, he talks about "The meaning of life in a world without work."

But how to kill that many people? Shooting is not reasonable. Starvation would be cruel. What to do? Covid-19, it seems, could have been a trial run. The combination of a man-made plague, along with "vaccines" that don't really stop it but actually multiply its effects seems more "humane." (For an informative parable on this topic, click here).

Meanwhile, the WEF is talking about preparation for "Disease X" (a yet unknown virus) which they speculate is coming. And researchers in China have isolated a new virus from pangolins ("sometimes known as scaly anteaters, they are mammals found in China" and several nearby countries -- Wikipedia); in a not-yet-peer reviewed study, they claim it had a 100% kill rate in eight days on four mice which were bread with human traits.

This recent concern about global population limits has been talked about at least since 1972, with The Club of Rome's publication, "Limits to Growth." Two years later, Henry Kissinger and his team produced a Top Secret report of their own, now declassified and available on Amazon, National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM200), otherwise known as the Kissinger Report.

You know ... THAT Henry Kissinger, who died last November 29 at age 100. Shortly before his death the man opined he had been wrong in leading the great "Globalization" that has led to chaos around the world as people of differing cultures have been thrown together. Might he have misled the world about his magic ceiling on population, too?

Kissinger's population team claimed the globe would only be able to sustain 8 billion humans. But Kissinger has now proven that sometimes his assessments were WRONG.

We recently exceeded his magic number, to 8.8 billion.


But here is the same prediction graph, extended to the year 2100.


Courtesy of worldometer, https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/?ref=buffer.com/resources

Viewing the top part of this graph, you can see how world leaders might have reason for concern. Others, though, like Elon Musk, say the world could sustain perhaps double the current population but there are not enough babies being born, and without more babies "civilization will crumble."

China is a case in favor of Musk's argument. Too late, they are realizing their campaign years ago to kill female babies as a way to control population growth was wrong. They now have millions of unmarried bachelors, and their population numbers are declining and out of control.

Might, in fact, lifting people out of poverty be a better means of population control? Most Western nations are now producing smaller families as women have discovered there is more to life than having lots of children. In fact, China's attempts to entice its new middle class women to have more babies are largely falling on deaf ears. Many are now speculating that China's population by the turn of next century could be far less than it is today.

A few years ago, military analysis website Deagel.com produced a shocking chart (which has since been deleted but can be found online at the Wayback Machine); you can find it attached below. Scroll down to item 6, United States. Notice the target year for this global slaughter was to be 2025. The bottom line displays the current U.S. population at the time this chart was created; the top line represents the future being planned for us by the WEF/WHO cabal. An interesting note: compare how much they hope to devastate the U.S. population compared to Russia, China and elsewhere.

Then there is this: Covid Shots Developed as (U.S.) ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction,’ report claims. It's from U.S. studies funded here and in China, so you know their military has access to the same information.

Related: Why The Bioweapons Research Industry Is A Danger to Society

"We are the carbon they want to reduce!" -- comment from ScottHile@freespiritfine


The other side of the depopulation plot is this: "Two of every three people on the planet lives somewhere with below-replacement fertility, yet our prevailing foreign policy, politics, and economics theories were formulated under a different demographic reality." -- JENNIFER D. SCIUBBA

Ms. Sciubba made her case recently in this short TED video, "The truth about human population decline."

You can help deter The World Economic Forum (WEF), World Health Organization (WHO), Bill Gates and other conspirators from their dastardly plan: Share the contents of this email online, on Facebook and other platforms, and with as many of your friends and relatives as you possibly can.


Devil "lives" in a huge tapestry displayed in the dining room at Davos. Left-to-right, a woman gives birth to a girl and boy.

Follow the blood trail. Blood is sucked out of them throughout life to feed the Devil (lower right) until they die.


The tapestry’s existence was divulged by journalist Larry Alex Taunton, who went undercover at the WEF summit in Davos

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The vaccine clown show piddles on as it has for over 200 years. Someday, these wizards of death might actually get themselves and us all dead and gone.

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This Is A Military Coup.

You Can Call It Covid.

Or You Can Call It What It Is:

A Military Coup.

They Took Out One President.

And Installed A Puppet.


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