Just Think: The Podcast
Just Think: The Podcast
Episode 62: "Know Your Line, And Know It Now", With Michael Kane

Episode 62: "Know Your Line, And Know It Now", With Michael Kane

We all have internal lines of moral conviction that we will not cross and at which point we fill fight against any force that opposes that conviction. Sometimes, in the interest of "peace", a desire to not offend, or a fear of being ostracized, those lines can be blurred. In the midst of censorship, mandates, and what is being revealed daily to be the prevalence of greed and corruption at our expense, NOW is NOT the time for fear to trump our convictions. It is instead a time to know those lines and draw them clearly. Because in this "game" that most of us didn't sign up to play in, there are winners and there are losers. You MUST know your lines because among the losers are our children and our future generations. And regardless of your moral convictions, beliefs, or ideologies, we can all agree: THEY DESERVE TO BE PROTECTED. Join us as we chat with former NYC school teacher, lifelong self-proclaimed "democrat voter", and founder of Teacher For Choice, Michael Kane, as he discloses what has been exposed in his fight against mandates. You need to know what he shares (we all do), and you need to know your line and be ready to stand on it. Listen in...and SHARE.

Just Think: The Podcast
Just Think: The Podcast
Just Think: The Podcast is hosted by 3 American women who invite you into their conversation about current events and challenge you to think critically about the information you are given. With a strong aversion to labels, political correctness, and censorship and committed to the premise that they never want to tell people WHAT to think but instead challenge everyone to not blindly accept what we are told is true but to ask hard, sometimes uncomfortable questions around the topics affecting all of us, to search for the answers among a variety of sources, to consider inherent bias...this podcast will challenge you to JUST THINK for yourself.