The American Board of Internal Medicine is trying to strip the board certifications from the most published and peer-reviewed cardiologist in his field in history, one of the doctors who had the courage to collabroate with doctors around the globe to develop early treatments for the "C Word" and to talk about it. Meanwhile there is evidence that a billion dollar PR firm hired by both Prizer AND Moderna has ALSO been awarded a contract with the CDC to promote vaccines, resultiong in PR marketing units from both Pfizer and Moderna being embedded in the CDC. Isn't that a HUGE conflict of interest? Senator Rand Paul is investigating, but what we know--they are directly connected to the American Board of Internal Medicine. We explain how and more with this must-hear conversation with one of our most cherished, respected and credentialed guests--Dr. Peter McCullough.

Just Think: The Podcast
Just Think: The Podcast is hosted by 3 American women who invite you into their conversation about current events and challenge you to think critically about the information you are given. With a strong aversion to labels, political correctness, and censorship and committed to the premise that they never want to tell people WHAT to think but instead challenge everyone to not blindly accept what we are told is true but to ask hard, sometimes uncomfortable questions around the topics affecting all of us, to search for the answers among a variety of sources, to consider inherent bias...this podcast will challenge you to JUST THINK for yourself.
Just Think: The Podcast is hosted by 3 American women who invite you into their conversation about current events and challenge you to think critically about the information you are given. With a strong aversion to labels, political correctness, and censorship and committed to the premise that they never want to tell people WHAT to think but instead challenge everyone to not blindly accept what we are told is true but to ask hard, sometimes uncomfortable questions around the topics affecting all of us, to search for the answers among a variety of sources, to consider inherent bias...this podcast will challenge you to JUST THINK for yourself.Listen on
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