Just Think: The Podcast
Just Think: The Podcast
Episode 57: The United States or Divided States?

Episode 57: The United States or Divided States?

Coming off the heels of our 4th of July celebrations in the US, we kick off this week's convo around whether we are the United States of America or the Divided States of America. As Americans, do we no longer share the common ground needed to preserve our union? Will "wokeism" succeed in rewriting history, in dividing us by our differences, and in throwing out the constitution and our Judeo-Christian ethics for something else? We talk about this and highlight headlines, scratching our heads at many of them while encouraging all of us to JUST THINK past them, ask questions, and seek the truth.

Just Think: The Podcast
Just Think: The Podcast
Just Think: The Podcast is hosted by 3 American women who invite you into their conversation about current events and challenge you to think critically about the information you are given. With a strong aversion to labels, political correctness, and censorship and committed to the premise that they never want to tell people WHAT to think but instead challenge everyone to not blindly accept what we are told is true but to ask hard, sometimes uncomfortable questions around the topics affecting all of us, to search for the answers among a variety of sources, to consider inherent bias...this podcast will challenge you to JUST THINK for yourself.